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Kern Energy Celebrates 90 Years of Continuous Operation and Innovation

Major Milestone Demonstrates How Central Valley Transportation Fuel Producer Has Evolved to Advance the Fuels of the Future 

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. – Kern Energy announced the commemoration of its 90th year of continuous operation at its facility in Bakersfield, California. The celebration began with an employee appreciation barbeque, marking the beginning of several special events to honor Kern Energy’s longevity and the enduring relationships that have fueled its success. 

“Throughout Kern Energy’s 90 years of operation our ‘small but mighty’ team has evolved and innovated to meet the challenges of the moment, embracing continuous improvement and blazing a trail as a renewable fuel pioneer,” said Jennifer Haley, President & CEO of Kern Energy.  

 The independent, family-owned and operated transportation fuel producer is a critical supplier for California’s agricultural breadbasket and one of the state’s major transportation corridors – producing 1% of the state’s gasoline and 3% of the state’s diesel.   

“The Central Valley is the state’s energy capital and Kern Energy has played a critical role in fueling the people who power our state,” said Congressman Vince Fong. “This milestone — 90 years of continuous operation — demonstrates the incredible possibilities present throughout our region. Kern Energy’s commitment to innovation, job creation and community engagement helps grow and sustain our community.”  

 Kern Energy has been at the forefront of innovation and an early responder to California and the nation’s climate goals. The company was one of the first refineries in the nation to produce renewable diesel and has continued to reach new milestones in production and innovation.   

  • Adapted operations to meet decades of evolving fuel specifications, including clean-burning reformulated gasoline, ultra-low sulfur diesel and low-carbon fuels. 
  • Became the second U.S. refinery to produce renewable diesel through co-processing.  
  • Produced over 58 million gallons of renewable diesel. 
  • Became the first small California refinery to blend biodiesel, with more than 74 million gallons blended into finished diesel since 2012. 

“Kern Energy’s 90 years of continuous operation is a testament to the spirit and ingenuity of California businesses. It is exciting to celebrate a family-run business that has thrived for 90 years and contributed to the growth and prosperity of not just Kern County but also all of California,” said Jennifer Barrera, President and CEO of the California Chamber of Commerce.  

Kern Energy has a long history as a convener and collaborator, deeply valuing the relationships, connections and contributions from its employees, business partners, collaborators, and community members that have made these 90 years possible. 

“Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of this facility is a testament to the power of innovation, adaptability, and the pursuit of excellence I value so very much since I came to work here over 10 years ago,” said Christopher Cassady, Training Supervisor at Kern Energy. “Kern Energy’s willingness to foster and encourage personal and professional growth for its employees has enabled me to expand my career path to a height that I could not imagine when I started working here. I am truly humbled to be a part of an organization that places such a value on its greatest commodity, its people.”  

“Through our positive partnership with Kern Energy, Lamont Elementary School District has unlocked a wealth of innovative science instructional practices, empowering teachers and enriching our students’ learning experiences,” said Dr. Lori Gonzalez, Superintendent of Lamont Elementary School District. “Congratulations to Kern Energy on 90 years of operations – we celebrate your longstanding commitment to educational excellence!” 

“This 90-year milestone is a collective achievement – a testament to the transformative power of mutual trust, partnership and teamwork” said President & CEO, Jennifer Haley. “As we celebrate this milestone, Kern Energy reaffirms its commitment to building the next 90 years together, continuing to innovate and meet our community’s transportation fuel needs now and for generations to come.” 


Kern Energy is an independent, family-owned and operated company powered by a team of more than 190 employees. As the only refiner between San Francisco and Los Angeles producing gasoline and renewable diesel, Kern Energy is a critical supplier of California’s Southern San Joaquin Valley.  

For more information, please visit  

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